Getopenfilename default file path in java
Getopenfilename default file path in java

getopenfilename default file path in java

I've tried ChDrive and ChDir but The GetOpenFileName still takes me to a personal drive on the network. I would like to specify a default path to eliminate some of the navigation for the end user. I'm doing this to get the file name and then use the TransferText function to import the file into an Access table. You can also provide arguments to this function for default file. I'm opening a csv file in Excel with an Access macro. Since this this command will be used by others on a worksheet routinely distruted and then archived on individual machines at our office (and as these files age they will be moved hence changing their path, It would be very beneficial if this command would Open the dialog box at the path from the current active workbook. Use GetOpenFileName This brings up a dialog box that allows you to browse your files and choose a file.

getopenfilename default file path in java

NewFN = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Project Tabulations (*.xls), *.xls", Title:="Please select a Previous Tabulation to Open") The starting directory and default file name can also be set. I am using the following code:ĬhDir ("D:2001_AccountingProjects_Tabulation") PyQt - QFileDialog Widget, This widget is a file selector dialog. How can I get the GetOpenFilename box to.

getopenfilename default file path in java

I recorded a macro doing a File Open, navigating to the path. Returns the path of the selected file or a null. Show the common dialog to select a file to open. Dim path As String path 'C:\'.nFilterIndex 1 'Default filter is the first one. Searching has revealed several variations on GetOpenFileName including how to use ChDir to change the path from where the GetOpenFileName opens from. dim filepath as string dim sfilename as string dim filetoopen as variant filetoopen application.getopenfilename (filefilter:'excel files (.xls). GetOpenFileName - 64bit: Post Reply : 2 3 > Author. Thanks for ALL the help I have gotten on this board.

Getopenfilename default file path in java